Deploy cloud services
Change to the
folder in the cloned AiPoweredPredictiveMaintenance/infra
You need to set the Azure location where you want to deploy the solution. The following command lists the available locations.
az account list-locations --query "[].{Name:name, DisplayName:displayName}" -o table
Run the following command to deploy the predictive maintenance solution.
You will be prompted for the following information:
- The application name. This is an arbitrary name and is used as part of the hash to create unique names for the Azure resources.
- The Sql Server user name. This is the user name for the Sql Server database.
- The Sql Server password. This is the password for the Sql Server database.
- The IoT Hub SKU. You can choose between F1 (Free) and S1 (Standard). You can have only one free IoT Hub per subscription. If you already have a free IoT Hub in your subscription, you must choose S1.
For Windows users, you can run the following PowerShell commands. For macOS and Linux users, you can run the following Bash commands.
az group create --name $env:RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location $env:LOCATION_NAME
az deployment group create --resource-group $env:RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --template-file main.bicep --query properties.outputs --output yamlcBash
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location $LOCATION_NAME
az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --template-file main.bicep --query properties.outputs --output yamlc
Azure Function App Endpoint URL
When the deployment completes, the output will display the telemetry_function_app_endpoint and the telemetry_function_app_key. The output will look similar to the following:
type: String
value: 'Azure Function Name: func-pm-5x4q2733jv3oi'
type: String
value: 'Azure DPS ID Scope: 0ne008BFF1A'
type: String
value: 'Azure Function App URL:'
type: String
value: 'Azure Function Host Key: OuFbupjlv-jhmvBhbSwTzvOm0i370wlBjzFa9mUMeUc0AzFu1Mszxw=='
- Save the output to a file. You will need the values for the following parameters later in the lab.