This project is maintained by gloveboxes
Module 6: Build and deploy the solution
Setting up a public/private key pair for SSH authentication is a secure and fast way to authenticate from your computer to the Raspberry Pi. Visual Studio Code Remote SSH Development will be using SSH authentication.
The Raspberry Pi SSH Authentication utility will prompt you for:
hostname -I | cut -d" " -f 1
on your Raspberry Pi to display its IP address.The SSH utility guides you through the process of setting up a secure SSH channel for Visual Studio Code and the Raspberry Pi.
Download the Raspberry Pi SSH Authentication Utility.
Run the following PowerShell command.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "windows-ssh-setup.cmd"
Start the Raspberry Pi SSH Authentication Utility.
Run the following PowerShell command.
The SSH utility guides you through the process of setting up a secure SSH channel for Visual Studio Code and the Raspberry Pi.
Copy and paste the following command, and press ENTER
curl | bash
Visual Studio Code is a code editor and is one of the most popular Open Source projects on GitHub. It runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Press F1 to open the Command Palette, type ssh connect and select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host
Select the pylab-pi configuration
A new instance of VS Code starts and connected to your Raspberry Pi.
It will take a moment to connect, then the SSH Status in the bottom lefthand corner of Visual Studio Code will change to >< SSH:pylab-pi.
The following Visual Studio Code Extensions are required.
Python extension for Visual Studio Code Docker for Visual Studio Code Azure Account Azure IoT Tools
To install the required Visual Studio Code Extensions, follow these instructions:
Now that you have start the Visual Studio Code Remote SSH Development you need to open the Create-a-talking-image-recognition-solution-with-Azure-IoT-Edge-Azure-Cognitive-Services you cloned to the Raspberry Pi.
From the Visual Studio Code menu, click File, then Open Folder.
This will open the file system on the Raspberry Pi.
Select the Create-a-talking-image-recognition-solution-with-Azure-IoT-Edge-Azure-Cognitive-Services directory.
Click OK.