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Create Azure services

Deploy Azure services

The following services will be created in the lab Azure subscription:

  1. Azure AI Document Intelligence.
  2. Azure Cosmos DB.
  3. Azure Static Web Apps.

Open a terminal window in VS Code

From VS Code, select Ctrl+Shift+` to open a new terminal window.

Create the Azure Patient Registration Services

From the terminal window, run the following commands to create the Azure Patient Registration Services.

  1. Authenticate to Azure by running the following command. Note, it may take up to 30 seconds for the azd login --use-device-code command to complete.

    azd auth login
  2. Initialize your Azure environment with the following command.

    azd init
  3. Create an environment name. For this workshop, the environment name must be globally unique. Create a unique environment name by appending a random six digital number after contoso-health-app-NNNNNN, for example, contoso-health-app-318721. But don't use the example name, use your own.

  4. Deploy the Azure services with the following command.

    azd up
  5. Select a region (e.g: eastus).

  6. Select your subscription.


    It will take approximately 5 minutes to deploy the Azure services. So, now is a great time to read the next section of the workshop documentation.

  7. The output from the azd up command will look similar to the following.

    Packaging services (azd package)

    (✓) Done: Packaging service api
    - Package Output: /tmp/
    (✓) Done: Packaging service web
    - Package Output: dist

    Provisioning Azure resources (azd provision)
    Provisioning Azure resources can take some time

    (✓) Done: Resource group: rg-contoso-health-app-767678
    (✓) Done: Azure AI Document Intelligence: form-recognizer-r2qoh4og4cf6a
    (✓) Done: Storage account: storager2qoh4og4cf6a
    (✓) Done: Azure Cosmos DB: cosmos-r2qoh4og4cf6a
    (✓) Done: Application Insights: api-r2qoh4og4cf6a
    (✓) Done: App Service plan: api-r2qoh4og4cf6a
    (✓) Done: Static Web App: swa-r2qoh4og4cf6a

    Deploying services (azd deploy)

    (✓) Done: Deploying service api
    - Endpoint:

    (✓) Done: Deploying service web
    - Endpoint:
  8. Make a note of your Resource group and Storage account names, as you'll need them in the next section of the workshop.

    Resource group: rg-contoso-health-app-NNNNNN
    Storage account: storagexxxxxxxxxxx
  9. Leave VS Code Codespace open, as you'll need it in the next section of the workshop.