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Upload a registration form

Complete a new patient registration form and upload it to the patient registration app.

Edit the form using the Edge browser

  1. Navigate to the the workshop/assets/forms folder.
  2. Right mouse click the new_patient_information_english.pdf file and open with the Microsoft Edge browser.
  3. Select the Add text tool in the browser.
  4. Complete the form by adding your family name and given names.
  5. Select the Save icon to save the file.

Upload the registration form

  1. Upload the file to the patient registration app you deployed in the previous section.

  2. The patient registration app will extract the patient information from the form and display the information in the app.

  3. Confirm the information is correct and click the Upload button.

    The gif shows the process of uploading a form

Validate the patient's information

The patient registration app will extract the patient information from the form and display the information in the app. Confirm the information is correct and click the Save button.