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Train your model

With your training forms labeled, you're now ready to train your model. Follow these steps to train your model.

  1. Select the Train button in the upper-right corner.

    image shows the train form button

  2. From the train a new model dialog, name your model patient-registration-model, and optionally, provide a description.

  3. Select Template from the Build Mode.

    Template models train in a few minutes. Neural models can take up to 30 minutes to train. Learn more about model types and capabilities.

    Train model dialog

  4. Select Train to initiate the training process.

  5. Select Go to Models to navigate to the Models menu to view the status of the train operation.

  6. You may need to select refresh to see latest status of the train operation.


    The training model status will change to succeeded. The model is now ready for use.

    Train model status

Test the model

Once the model training is complete, you can test your model by selecting the model on the models list page.

  1. Select Test from the Document Intelligence Studio menu.
  2. Browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the Test model page. Select a .jpeg or .pdf file from the contoso_new_patient_assets/training_labeled folder that matches the language you used to train your model.
  3. With a file selected, choose the Analyze button to test the model.
  4. The model results are displayed in the main window and the fields extracted are listed in the right navigation bar on the fields tab.
  5. Validate your model by evaluating the results for each field.
  6. The right navigation bar also includes sample code to invoke your model and the JSON results from the API.

Congratulations you've trained a custom model in the Document Intelligence Studio! Your model is ready for use with the patient registration app.