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Upload training data

This topic describes how to upload your training data to Document Intelligence Studio.

New patient registration form

In this workshop, you'll create a custom template model to recognize the fields in the new patient registration form. There are six forms in the training set, and each form contains the same fields, five of these forms have been labeled, the sixth form is partially labeled. As part of this workshop, you'll finish labeling the sixth form.

This workshop includes a New Patient Registration Form and matching label data you need to upload to an Azure storage container.

The label data describes the location of the fields on the forms and was created for the workshop using Document Intelligence Studio. The label data is in a JSON file that is named the same as the form file. For example, the label data for the form named form1.pdf is in the file named form1.pdf.json. The label data is in the same folder as the form files.

Upload new patient registration form training data

Upload the New Patient Registration Form and matching label data to the storage container that you created in the previous step.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and sign in.

  2. From the Azure Portal burger menu, select All services, then select Storage accounts to find your storage account.

  3. Select the storage account created in the previous step. The name starts with storage.

  4. From the Storage account page, select Containers from the left-hand menu.

  5. Select the trainingdata container

  6. On the trainingdata page, select Upload.

  7. On the Upload blob page, select Browse for files.

  8. From the file manager dialog, select all the files from the workshop/training_labeled/assets/english folder you cloned to your computer.


    The new patient registration form has been localized into several languages. Select the folder that matches the language you want to use for the workshop.

  9. Select Open.

  10. Select Upload.

  11. Close the Upload blob dialog.

  12. Leave the Azure portal open in a browser tab.