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Prompt Flow Workshop

This workshop shows how to use Prompt Flow to create a chatbot that is grounded with product and customer information. You'll learn how to:

  1. Create a Prompt Flow.
  2. Create a RAG pattern (Retrieval, Augmentation, Generation) to ground the chatbot with context.
  3. How to evaluate the chatbot performance.
  4. How to test the chatbot locally.

Create your first Prompt Flow

In this section you'll learn the basics of Prompt Flow with VS Code.

  1. Select the Prompt Flow VS Code extension and review the following tabs: QUICK ACCESS, FLOWS, TOOLS, BATCH RUN HISTORY, and CONNECTIONS. Note, the connections were created in the previous section.

  2. Create a new Prompt Flow by following these steps:

    1. From the VS Code Activity Bar, select the Explorer icon.
    2. Right-click the workshop folder.
    3. Select New flow in this directory.
    4. Select the Chat flow with the template.
    5. Finally, review the generated flow.dag.yaml file.
  3. Select the Visual editor link at the top of the flow.dag.yaml file to open the visual editor. This will show the visual representation of the flow. The visual elements include Prompt Flow Tools and Tool Properties.

  4. Experiment with the DAG Tools to change the layout.

  5. Set the Prompt Flow parameters:

    • Select the inputs tool in the visual editor, then set the question to what tents can you recommend for beginners?.
    • Select the Chat tool and set the connection to aoai-connection.


    If you forget to set these parameters, the flow may not execute using the Run All button. Set the missing parameters and run the flow with the Debug option F5.

  6. Run the flow by selecting Run All or Shift+F5, then select Run it with Standard Mode. This will execute the flow and will pass the question to the LLM.

    standard mode

  7. When the flow completes, select the outputs tool from the Visual editor and review the Prompt Flow tab to show tokens used and run duration.

    Keep in mind that the LLM will provide a response based on the data it was trained with. For now, the response does not have any knowledge of your product or customer information.

  8. Review the Outputs & Logs for the outputs tool. Select open in new tab to review the output from the LLM.

    output in new tab

  9. Switch back to the flow.dag.yaml file.

Create a RAG pattern app

Next, we'll create a RAG pattern app that will ground the LLM prompt with product and customer information. The steps are as follows:

  1. Retrieve, the R in RAG: Retrieve product and customer information.
  2. Augment, the A in RAG: Augment the LLM prompt with product and customer information.
  3. Generate, the G in RAG: Generate a response from the LLM.

Step 1: Retrieve, the R in RAG

In this step there will be two retrievals that will be used to ground the LLM prompt with product information and customer order history.

  1. Query the product catalog Azure AI Search service for product information
  2. Query the customer database for customer order history information.

Retrieving product information

To retrieve product information, we'll use Azure AI Search. First, we'll generate an embedding for the question and perform a hybrid keyword and semantic search on the contoso-products index in Azure AI Search.

What is an embedding

An embedding is a type of vector that is generated by a machine learning model and has semantic meaning. In this workshop, we'll be using the text-embedding-3-small model which generates a 1 x 1536 dimensioned vector.

Querying the product index

Next, both the question and vector are passed to the AI Search engine. AI Search will use a combination of vector and keyword hybrid search techniques to return the product catalog results that most closely match the question.

Retrieving customer information

To retrieve customer order history, we'll use a custom customer_lookup tool to query the customer order history database.

Update the Prompt Flow

Follow these steps to retrieve the product and customer information:

  1. Close the Visual editor tab to avoid issues with the next steps.
  2. From VS Code, navigate to the workshop folder and open the flow.dag.yaml file. The file contains the YAML representation of the Prompt Flow.
  3. Replace the existing flow with the following YAML.

      python_requirements_txt: requirements.txt
        type: list
        is_chat_history: true
        default: []
        type: string
        is_chat_input: true
        default: recommended tents for beginners
        type: string
        default: "7"
        type: string
        reference: ${customer_lookup.output}
        is_chat_output: true
        type: string
        reference: ${retrieve_documentation.output}
    - name: question_embedding
      type: python
        type: package
        connection: aoai-connection
        deployment_name: text-embedding-3-small
        input: ${inputs.question}
    - name: retrieve_documentation
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        question: ${inputs.question}
        index_name: contoso-products
        embedding: ${question_embedding.output}
        search: contoso-search
    - name: customer_lookup
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        customerId: ${inputs.customer_id}
        conn: contoso-cosmos
  4. You may have to wait 5 to 10 seconds for the flow to validate.

Custom tools

  1. Select Visual editor from the top of the flow.dag.yaml file.

  2. Review the customer_lookup custom tool, click the link to open code file.

  3. Set a breakpoint in the customer_lookup tool on line 4.

  4. Review the code for the customer_lookup tool. The tool retrieves customer information using the inputs tool customerId property. You can set the customerId value to any number between 1 and 12.

  5. Select Debug the customer_lookup tool.

    • The prompt flow execution starts and stops at the breakpoint you set in the retrieve_documentation tool.
    • Step through the code or press F5 to continue.
    • Remove the breakpoint and step through the code or press F5 to continue.

Step 2: Augmentation, the A in RAG

In this step you'll learn how to augment the LLM prompt with product and customer information to create a prompt that is grounded with context.

  1. Close the Visual editor tab to avoid issues with the next steps.
  2. From VS Code, navigate to the workshop folder and open the flow.dag.yaml file. The file contains the YAML representation of the Prompt Flow.
  3. Replace the existing flow with the following YAML.

      python_requirements_txt: requirements.txt
        type: list
        is_chat_history: true
        default: []
        type: string
        is_chat_input: true
        default: recommended tents for beginners
        type: string
        default: "7"
        type: string
        reference: ${inputs.question}
        is_chat_output: true
        type: string
        reference: ${customer_prompt.output}
    - name: question_embedding
      type: python
        type: package
        connection: aoai-connection
        deployment_name: text-embedding-3-small
        input: ${inputs.question}
    - name: retrieve_documentation
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        question: ${inputs.question}
        index_name: contoso-products
        embedding: ${question_embedding.output}
        search: contoso-search
    - name: customer_lookup
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        customerId: ${inputs.customer_id}
        conn: contoso-cosmos
    - name: customer_prompt
      type: prompt
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/customer_prompt.jinja2
        documentation: ${retrieve_documentation.output}
        customer: ${customer_lookup.output}
        history: ${inputs.chat_history}

Prompt templating

Prompt Flow uses Jinja2 a templating language for Python, to format prompts.

  1. To see templating in action, select the link on the customer_prompt tool.

  2. Review the template. The template combines the data from the product catalog and the customer database into a prompt with all the context needed for the LLM.

  3. Review the sections on safety, documentation (the product info), previous orders (from the customer lookup), and chat history.

  4. Switch back to the prompt flow visual editor.

  5. Press Shift+F5 or select Run all from the designer to run the complete Prompt Flow.

  6. When the execution has completed, select the outputs tool and open in new tab to review the output from the Jinja template.

Step 3: Generation, the G in RAG

In this step you'll learn how to generate a response from the LLM using the a prompt grounded with product and customer information.

  1. Close the Visual editor tab to avoid issues with the next steps.
  2. From VS Code, navigate to the workshop folder and open the flow.dag.yaml file. The file contains the YAML representation of the Prompt Flow.
  3. Replace the existing flow with the following YAML.

      python_requirements_txt: requirements.txt
        type: list
        is_chat_history: true
        default: []
        type: string
        is_chat_input: true
        default: recommended tents for beginners
        type: string
        default: "7"
        type: string
        reference: ${llm_response.output}
        is_chat_output: true
        type: string
        reference: ${retrieve_documentation.output}
    - name: question_embedding
      type: python
        type: package
        connection: aoai-connection
        deployment_name: text-embedding-3-small
        input: ${inputs.question}
    - name: retrieve_documentation
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        question: ${inputs.question}
        index_name: contoso-products
        embedding: ${question_embedding.output}
        search: contoso-search
    - name: customer_lookup
      type: python
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/
        customerId: ${inputs.customer_id}
        conn: contoso-cosmos
    - name: customer_prompt
      type: prompt
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/customer_prompt.jinja2
        documentation: ${retrieve_documentation.output}
        customer: ${customer_lookup.output}
        history: ${inputs.chat_history}
    - name: llm_response
      type: llm
        type: code
        path: ../contoso-chat/llm_response.jinja2
        deployment_name: gpt-35-turbo
        prompt_text: ${customer_prompt.output}
        question: ${inputs.question}
      connection: aoai-connection
      api: chat

Calling the LLM

Next, the prompt that was generated in the previous step will be passed to the LLM.

  1. Switch back to the prompt flow visual editor.
  2. Select the outputs tool.
  3. Press Shift+F5 or select Run all from the designer to run the complete Prompt Flow.
  4. Review the outputs of the prompt flow execution by selecting the outputs tool, select open in new tab.
  5. Review the Prompt Flow tab to show tokens used and run duration.

Prompt evaluations

In this step you'll learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of the chat. The evaluation is done by running the chat against the original contoso-chat prompt flow and using the GPT-4 model to evaluate the chat and score how well it performs. There are several use cases for evals, including CI/CD, A/B testing, and model selection.

  1. You should run the /eval/evaluate-chat-local.ipynb notebook and review the use of gpt-4 to evaluate the effectiveness of the chat.
    • This notebook calls the groundedness Prompt Flow in the eval folder which calls GPT-4 to evaluate the context that was sent to the LLM and the response that was returned.
    • A groundedness metric is calculated and returned.
  2. Note this demo runs against the original contoso-chat prompt flow, not the one we just built.