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The Whisper GUI app

Using Whisper GUI app, you can transcribe pre-recorded audio files and audio recorded from your microphone.


If you want remote access to the Whisper Transcriber Service on WSL then you need to run a proxy. The easiest way to do this is with ngrok. See Whisper Anywhere Access for more information.

Install system dependencies

Follow the instructions for your operating system.

Install Windows 11 dependencies

  1. Install the latest version of Python 3. At the time of writing, June 2023, Python 3.11.3.
  2. Install FFmpeg.
    1. You can download the latest release from FFmpeg-Builds.
    2. Unzip the downloaded FFmpeg file and move to your preferred app folder.
    3. From System Properties, select Environment Variables, and add the path to the FFmpeg bin folder to the path.
    4. Test FFmpeg. From a new terminal window, run ffmpeg -version.

Install macOS dependencies

  1. Install FFmpeg, Tkinker, and PortAudio.
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Install Homebrew.
    3. Run brew install ffmpeg python-tk portaudio.

Install Ubuntu dependencies

  1. Install FFmpeg, pip3, and Tkinker.
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Run sudo apt install ffmpeg python3-pip python3-tk

Install the required Python libraries

  1. Install the git client if it's not already installed.

  2. From a Terminal window, clone the Whisper Transcriber Sample to your preferred repo folder.

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the client folder.

    cd OpenAI-Whisper-Transcriber-Sample/client
  4. Install the required libraries.

    On windows:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    On macOS and Linux:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start the Whisper app

To start the Whisper GUI app, run the following command from the client folder.

On Windows:


On macOS and Linux:


Using the Whisper GUI app

  1. The Whisper server endpoint defaults to http://localhost:5500. This is the endpoint to use when the Whisper server and the Whisper GUI app are running on the same system.

    If you are connecting to a remote Whisper server then review the [Whisper Server anywhere access](../Proxies/Whisper-ngrok Whisper-ngrok) page and use the remote endpoint provided by ngrok.

  2. Add the Whisper server API key. The API key is displayed in the terminal window when the Whisper server is started.

  3. Select Update service config to save the endpoint and API key. Next time you start the Whisper GUI app, the endpoint and API key will be loaded from the config.json file.

  4. If you wish to transcribe a pre-recorded audio file, select Audio folder to choose the folder containing your audio files, then from the dropdown list, select the audio file to be transcribed, then select Transcribe. The audio file will be sent to the Whisper Transcriber Service and the transcription will be displayed in the Transcription text box.

  5. If you wish to transcribe audio from your microphone, select Microphone, then record your audio. When done, select Stop recording and the audio will be sent to the Whisper Transcriber Service and the transcription will be displayed in the Transcription text box.