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Escape room challenge

Wondering where to start with the Altair? Well, there is a built-in Escape Room Challenge. It's designed to be a brain teaser, frustrating and delighting in equal measure. Working in teams helps with problem-solving and if the challenge sees you are struggling, then more hints will be offered.

Good luck and have fun!

Start the Escape Room Challenge

To get started with the challenge, follow these steps.

  1. Connect to the Altair emulator via the web terminal.

  2. Change to the C drive. From the command prompt, type:

  3. Start the challenge by running the start app. From the command prompt type:


Spread the word

Once you've completed the challenge then spread the word on Twitter. Use these twitter tags #AltairEscape and @dglover. Please include a link to the docs

Avnet Azure Sphere Starter Kit

If you are running the Escape Room Challenge on an Avnet Azure Sphere Starter kit then remember the challenge uses the light sensor and accelerometer.

The image shows the Avnet Azure Sphere Start Kit features