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Wi-Fi configuration

There are two options to configure the WiFi of the device. You can configure the WiFi with an SD Card or the Azure Sphere CLI. If you use a Mikroe Retro 8800 Click, then the IP address will be displayed on the LED panel when the device successfully connects to a WiFi network.

WiFi provisioning with an SD card

If you deploy the Altair emulator with an Mikroe SD card Click then you can provision the Wi-Fi from the SD card.

macOS users WiFi provisioning with an SD card

If you deploy the Altair emulator with an Mikroe SD card Click then you can provision the Wi-Fi from the SD card.

Windows and Linux users WiFi provisioning with Azure Sphere CLI

  1. Install the Azure Sphere SDK.

  2. Review the device WiFi configuration section for more information on setting up Wi-Fi with the Azure Sphere CLI.

  3. List existing WiFi configurations

    azsphere device wifi list
  4. Forget a WiFi configuration

    azsphere device wifi forget -i NETWORK_ID
  5. Add a WiFi configuration

    azsphere device wifi add -s YOUR_SSID -p YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD
  6. Test the Wi-Fi has connected. From a command prompt, issue the following command.

    azsphere device wifi show-status