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Build from the command line

Test that you can build the Altair 8800 project.

  1. From a terminal window, go to the AltairEverywhere/AltairHL_emulator folder that you cloned to your computer.

  2. If you are have a Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, then enable the Pi Sense HAT in the CMakeLists.txt file. Uncomment:

    # set(ALTAIR_FRONT_PI_SENSE_HAT TRUE "Enable Raspberry Pi Sense HAT")
  3. Run the following commands to compile the Altair project:

    mkdir -p build && \
    cmake -B build && \
    cmake --build build --config release --target all -j 4
  4. Check the build completion message to confirm a successful build. The build completion message will be similar to [100%] Built target serializer. If the build process fails, check that you installed all the required packages.