Module 2: Install Azure IoT Edge on your Raspberry Pi


Hardware requirements

  1. Raspberry Pi 2 or better, SD Card, and Raspberry Pi power supply
  2. Pimoroni Enviro+ pHAT
  3. PMS5003 Particulate Matter Sensor with Cable available from Pimoroni and eBay.

Raspberry Pi 4 Tips and Tricks

This lab does not need a Raspberry Pi 4, but if you are using one then here are some tips and tricks I like to use for my Raspberry Pi.

Booting from high speed USB3 storage

As we will be building Docker images on the Raspberry Pi 4 so I would recommend a fast SD Card or a high speed USB3 Flash or SSD drive.

Optionally overclocking a Raspberry Pi 4

Though not a requirement, the machine learning inference times will be improved by overclocking the Raspberry Pi 4. You will need a Raspberry Pi heat sink if you overclock. See the How to overclock Raspberry Pi 4 article for more information.

I use the following settings in the /boot/config.txt.


Raspberry Pi set up

Create the Raspberry Pi OS Image

I recommend using Raspberry Pi OS Lite as it takes fewer resources than the full Raspberry Pi Desktop version. If you’ve not set up a Raspberry Pi before then this is a great guide. “Setting up a Headless Pi”. Be sure to use the WiFi network as your development computer.

Start Raspberry Pi and update

  1. Attach the Pimoroni Enviro+ pHAT and PMS5003 Particulate Matter sensor.
  2. Insert SD Card or USB3 drive, and power on your Raspberry Pi.
  3. Log into the Raspberry Pi over your network

     ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

    or depending on your network settings try

     ssh pi@raspberrypi
  4. Update and reboot

     sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git python3-pip && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo reboot

Install Docker on the Raspberry Pi

  1. Log into your Raspberry Pi

     ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  2. From the SSH session run the following command.

     curl -sSL | sh && sudo usermod pi -aG docker && sudo reboot

Install the following Python Packages

From the SSH session you started in the previous step install the following required Python packages. Run the following command.

pip3 install ptvsd azure-iot-device psutil enviroplus RPi.GPIO pylint autopep8

Install the Pimoroni Enviro+ Python library

From the SSH session, run the following commands.

git clone
cd enviroplus-python
sudo ./

You will also be prompted to install the samples. Select y as they will be useful for you to understand how to extend the solution.

Clone the Raspberry Pi Air Quality Monitor Solution

  1. Log into your Raspberry Pi

     ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  2. From the SSH session, clone the solution repository to the Raspberry Pi

     git clone raspberry-pi-air-quality-monitor