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About Azure IoT Central

Connecting Azure IoT Central is optional and free to try. IoT Central will be very useful as you can stream and report weather, pollution, and diagnostics data, as well as export data for anomaly detection.

In this exercise, you will create an Azure IoT Central application. Later you will learn about Altair applications that stream data to Azure IoT Central. Applications that stream data to Azure IoT Central include WEATHER.BAS and JSON.BAS.

Azure IoT Central

Azure IoT Central is a cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) application platform. It provides an easy way to connect, monitor, and manage your IoT assets at scale. Azure IoT Central builds on Azure IoT Hub, Device Provisioning Service, Stream Analytics, and Time Series Insights.

The image shows the architecture of Azure IoT Central

Azure IoT Central follows the eight attributes of successful IoT solutions.