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Add network endpoints

  1. Open the app_manifest.json file.

  2. Update the CmdArgs property with your IoT Central ID Scope.

  3. Get your Azure Sphere Tenant ID. From a command prompt, run the following command.

    azsphere tenant show-selected -o yaml

    The output of this command will be similar to the following. The id property value is your Azure Sphere Tenant ID.

    id: 9abc79eb-9999-43ce-9999-fa8888888894
    name: myAzureSphereTenant
    - Administrator
  4. Update the DeviceAuthentication property with your Azure Sphere Tenant ID.

  5. Update the AllowedConnections property with the IoT Central Application endpoint URLs you copied to Notepad.

  6. Review your updated manifest_app.json file. It should be similar to the following.

    "SchemaVersion": 1,
    "Name": "co2monitor",
    "ComponentId": "25025d2c-66da-4448-bae1-ac26fcdd3627",
    "EntryPoint": "/bin/app",
    "CmdArgs": [ "--ScopeID", "0ne0099999D" ],
    "Capabilities": {
    "SystemEventNotifications": true,
    "SoftwareUpdateDeferral": true,
    "Gpio": [ "$AZURE_CONNECTED_LED", "$BUTTON_B" ],
    "I2cMaster": [ "$I2C_ISU2" ],
    "Adc": [ "$AVNET_MT3620_SK_ADC_CONTROLLER0" ],
    "AllowedConnections": [
    "DeviceAuthentication": "9abc79eb-9999-43ce-9999-fa8888888894"
    "ApplicationType": "Default"