Add network endpoints
Open the app_manifest.json file.
Update the CmdArgs property with your IoT Central ID Scope.
Get your Azure Sphere Tenant ID. From a command prompt, run the following command.
azsphere tenant show-selected -o yaml
The output of this command will be similar to the following. The id property value is your Azure Sphere Tenant ID.
id: 9abc79eb-9999-43ce-9999-fa8888888894
name: myAzureSphereTenant
- AdministratorUpdate the DeviceAuthentication property with your Azure Sphere Tenant ID.
Update the AllowedConnections property with the IoT Central Application endpoint URLs you copied to Notepad.
Review your updated manifest_app.json file. It should be similar to the following.
"SchemaVersion": 1,
"Name": "co2monitor",
"ComponentId": "25025d2c-66da-4448-bae1-ac26fcdd3627",
"EntryPoint": "/bin/app",
"CmdArgs": [ "--ScopeID", "0ne0099999D" ],
"Capabilities": {
"SystemEventNotifications": true,
"SoftwareUpdateDeferral": true,
"I2cMaster": [ "$I2C_ISU2" ],
"Adc": [ "$AVNET_MT3620_SK_ADC_CONTROLLER0" ],
"AllowedConnections": [
"DeviceAuthentication": "9abc79eb-9999-43ce-9999-fa8888888894"
"ApplicationType": "Default"